Register Now for Fall Flag Football, Tackle Football and Cheer
Welcome to the 2023 season of Niskayuna Youth Football & Cheer. We are very excited to bring back our full list of Cheer, Flag and Tackle programs including our Summer Clinic program. This year we will offer:
• Cheer Summer Clinic: K – 8th
• Flag/Tackle Summer Clinic: Pre-K – 12th
• Senior Summer Clinic: 7th – 12th
Our Cheer and Flag summer clinics are $20 or free with Fall Registration. The expanded senior program will be a mix of assisting the younger athletes during the flag clinic, as well as flag games at the older levels, and is free at this level.
Summer clinics will be held every Wednesday night from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm, June 29th through July 27th.
This fall we will be running the following programs:
$180 – Cheer: K – 8th
$100 – Pre K-K Flag Football with skills and drills
$180 – Flag: 1st – 6th
$240 – Tackle: 3rd – 6th
The Cheer program starts August 17th, Tackle starts August 16th, and Flag September 8th.
Registration will include:
• Summer Clinic
• Cheer: Uniform for use and Sweatshirt to keep
• Tackle: Uniform for use and Jersey to keep
• Flag: NFL Flag jersey and flags to keep
• Annual Yearbook
• Digital picture downloads
• Fun and excitement!!
The season will run for 8 weeks, with the first game planned for September 11th and the last being October 30th.
See you on the fields,